What exactly does smatINVOICE do?
SmatINVOICE specializes in proffering financial solutions for businesses whether startups or large companies, that need funding to attain their business goals. We also offer financial consultation services, to make running the financial sector of your business smooth to ensure the success of your business as well as equipment leasing and funds investments and management.
What kind of loans services do you offer?
We offer both personal and business loans to cater to the financial needs of personal as well as business brands and help them attain their business goals.
How do I apply for a loan?
To apply for a loan, simply click on the “Get A Loan” option on the menu and you will be redirected to an application form which you fill and we’ll get back to you in less than 48 hours.
Is anybody eligible for a loan?
Anyone can apply for a loan but to check if you’re eligible for a loan, please hit the Contact button to make your enquiry and we’ll get back to you in less than 24 hours.
How long does it take to get a loan?
We process your application within 48 hours to check for eligibility and other necessary details. Once you’re cleared for a loan, it will be disbursed to you with immediate effect
How do we trust SmatINVOICE to deliver?
We’ve been practicing in Nigeria for up to 10 years and have partnered with different reputable organizations to provide reliable financial services. Our services are top notch and we are registered with top regulatory bodies in the financial industries with certifications like ISO.